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Online Gait Analysis

Welcome to foot lab where we perform an online video gait analysis in 4 easy steps.

A gait analysis provides key information about the way you run, and helps runners to choose the right type of shoe for their running gait, both optimising performance and reducing the risk of injury.

Let us help you find the perfect running shoe

Follow the steps below for your free gait analysis


Record a Video

Place the camera around 12-18 inches behind the treadmill and approximately 4-8 inches off of the ground. If you don't have a tripod, why not ask a friend to help?

The video should show you running in the centre of the screen, showing a clear view of each foot as it lands and continues through to toe off.

  • Time - Minimum 20 second of running
  • Shoes - Wear the least supportive pair you own.
  • Speed - Running at your normal training pace.

The video needs to be under 300MB and one of the following file types: .avi .mov .mpeg, .wmv or .mp4


Bit About You

Creating accurate and personalised analysis

As well as analysing your video footage, we'll also need to ask some questions about you and your running. Factors such as how long you've been running, your average weekly mileage and the type of surface you run on are all important here.

These questions will be in asked on your video submission, please answer as many of these as you can.


Expert Analysis

Our specialist will analyse your video footage, assess your gait to establish your level of pronation and identify any biomechanical inefficiencies which might be impacting on your performance.

We'll analyse your gait frame by frame throughout your footstrike, from the landing phase through to toe off, identifying both your level of pronation and your individual footstrike pattern. From this we can identify whether you are an overpronator, a neutral runner, or if you underpronate.


Our Recommendation

Once the video material has been evaluated, our specialist will contact you via email with their feedback and tips. You will receive a detailed gait analysis, our recommendation of the best type of running shoe for you and other useful information.

We're also happy to answer any further questions you might have - by email or give us a call on 01274 530 530

Is your video ready for review?


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