

7 New Year’s Resolutions for every runner

Making plans and setting goals for this year?

Make 2024 your big running year with our 7 New Year’s Resolutions for every runner.

1. Set a Target

Whether it’s running your first 5K, a new half marathon PB or losing weight, challenge yourself with a 2024 milestone. Focusing on your ultimate goal will help structure your running as you build up to your target, and give you that extra bit of willpower to keep going when the going gets tough. Keep your target realistic and set small achievable interim goals to keep up that motivation.


Image by Jozsef Hocza on Unsplash

2. Try Something New

Shake up your training, be adventurous and keep your motivation and interest levels up by making 2024 the year you try something a bit different. If you’re tackling the fells for the first time, entering a triathlon, taking on your first ultra or even exploring new running routes, changing things up keeps your training fun and challenging.

3. Be Consistent

Whatever you want to achieve from your running in 2024, whether it’s further, faster or lighter, it won’t happen without consistent training. That means scheduling in regular, quality training sessions, at least 3 times a week, for maximum endurance and performance benefits. Make training sessions an ingrained part of your lifestyle or social activity by running with friends, joining a running club or making parkrun a regular Saturday morning fixture.


Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

4. Get Organised

Following on from this, don’t rely on willpower alone. Start a training plan and schedule in your runs. Make your training convenient so that other commitments don’t become barriers to your running, and keep a training log so that you can look back at each week’s progress with satisfaction. Aim to stay with your new plan for at least 30 days, after which new behaviour starts to become a habit.

5. Build Slowly

Make sure that 2024 is an injury-free zone by building up to your goals gradually and listening to your body. Build up speed and mileage slowly (increase your mileage by no more than 10% each week), integrate new sessions into your routine with care, and schedule in rest days for recovery.

6. Reward Yourself

Set small attainable goals and reward yourself as you hit your milestone targets. This can be anything from a glass of wine, to your favourite meal or even better, treat yourself to a sports massage or some new running kit.


7. Love Your Running

Don’t forget, the most important part of running is enjoying it! Make the pursuit of this year’s goals a positive one by keeping your training interesting, fun and challenging. When training doesn’t go to plan, remind yourself that every runner has off days and keep at it. Run with friends, always greet fellow runners with a smile, and even take a new runner under your wing.

Share your love of your sport and make 2024 your year of running. Good luck!


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