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Strength Exercises to Reduce Injury

Strength training exercises will help prevent common running injuries by making your muscles and connective tissues stronger.

The following workout has been devised by Nike trainer and fitness instructor Kim Ngo to complement your weekly running routine, designed especially to help runners develop a base level of strength so they can run faster with less risk of injury. They consist of compound movements that focus on your lower body and core muscles.

Explore Kim Ngo’s Priming Workout for a fast run & reduced injury risk now!


This workout requires a great amount of stability so will also help to build your core strength in the process.

Heel Walks33030-60 sec
Hip Thrusters31530-60 sec
Split Squat18 each leg30-60 sec
Single Leg Deadlift18 each leg30-60 sec
Curtsy Lunge18 each leg30-60 sec
Side Plank145 sec hold each side30 sec


  • 3 sets – 30 steps

  • You will feel your Tibalis Anterior working (the muscle in front of your shins)

  1. Standing tall with your shoulders back, place your hands on your hips, raise your toes off of the floor and stand on your heels
  2. Once you have found your balance take 30 steps forward keeping your toes off of the ground while maintaining a good posture
  3. Once complete, take a 30-60 second rest and then repeat until you have repeated 3 sets



  • 3 sets – 15 reps

  1. You can either use a bench or chair for this
  2. Lay with your shoulder blades on the bench, feet hip width apart and your feet flat on the floor with an approximate 90 degree bend at your knees
  3. Pull your rib cage down towards your pelvis and tilt your hips up
  4. When ready thrust your hips up, squeezing your glutes and driving through your heels on the floor
  5. Hold for a couple seconds at the top and repeat 15 times to complete one set




  • set - 8 reps each leg

  1. Stand in a split stance with your right foot in front of you flat on the floor and your left foot behind you on your toes
  2. Bend both knees so that your back (left) knee almost kisses the floor
  3. While doing this keep your right (front) foot flat on the floor and your left (back) foot on its toes and ensure your front knee does not go past your toes (if they do lengthen the distance between your front foot and your back foot)
  4. Squeeze your glutes and drive your right heel into the floor to stand up
  5. Repeat on your right leg until you have finished your reps and then switch to your left leg



  • 1 set - 8 reps each leg

  1. Standing tall with your right foot on the floor, hinge at your hips, bend your right knee and reach your left hand down to your leg while extending your left leg behind you in line with your back
  2. Keep your spine neutral while you do this by keeping your chest open; you will feel your right hamstring stretch
  3. Squeeze your glutes as you return to standing
  4. Repeat on your right leg until you have finished your reps and then switch to the other side



  • 1 set - 8 reps each leg

  1. Stand tall with your chest up, shoulders back and your feet hip width apart
  2. Start by taking your left foot back behind you and over to the right so that you are taking a wide lateral step
  3. Ensure all your weight is being placed on your right foot with your chest still open and shoulders back.
  4. Lower down into a lunge by bending your knees and lowering down so that your left knee is almost kissing the floor
  5. Squeeze your glutes and drive through the right heel to return to your starting position
  6. Repeat on this leg until you have finished your reps and then switch to the other side



  • 45 second hold each side

  1. Lying on your right side, place your right forearm on the ground with your elbow directly underneath your shoulder
  2. Extend your legs out and stack your feet so that your right foot is on the floor and your left foot is on top
  3. Engage your core and lift your hips off of the floor so that your body is in a straight line from head to feet
  4. Keep your neck in line with your spine by focusing your eyes on one spot on a wall in front of you Hold this for 45 seconds


About Kim Ngo: Kim is a qualified personal trainer, fitness instructor and Nike trainer born and raised in East London. After a short spells working in the corporate world, Kim found her true passion for fitness through her love of food. Along with two friends who shared these passions, they co-founded Food & Lycra – a platform to inspire girls and women to move more, live a healthier lifestyle and remove the barriers women face with fitness.

>> Shop Kim’s look:

>> Follow Kim on Instagram: @kimmayco

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