
At Home Workouts

A Workout for the Whole Family with Ryan Sandes

Next up in our #NoFunStandingStill AT HOME series we are joined by ultra-trail running legend Ryan Sandes and his son Max as together, they take us through their family friendly home workout.

Trail running sensation and Salomon athlete, Ryan Sandes needs no introduction. Not only has he picked up wins in the brutal Leadville 100 and Western States 100 ultra-trail races but he is also the first ever winner of all four races in the notorious 4 Deserts Ultramarathon.

Having recently completed a gruelling 160km run around his home in South Africa under lockdown, Ryan shares his top tips for staying fit and sane at home, finding the time to train alongside family life and his go-to workout for keeping the whole family fit.


  • A family friendly workout that all the family can get involved in

  • Learn how the elites stay fit in lockdown

  • How to address the physical and mental challenges of training at home

  • Exercises that focus on key areas for trail runners

  • Suitable for all abilities


Warm Up

  1. Toe Rocks for ankle mobility, a key area for injury in trail running
  2. Baby Get Ups to activate and engage key running muscles

Main Workout

  1. Dynamic Squats, driving out hips and onto toes, these squats focus on developing leg strength and power
  2. Reverse Lunges with Kettle Bell Catch, great for developing leg strength and for downhill running
  3. Curtsey Lunge, develops leg strength with an extra focus on the glutes and stabilising the hips
  4. Bulgarian Squat, helps boost hip strength and mobility


Accept that your training is not going to be perfect in this difficult time and that you are unlikely to get the volume of training in that you would hope for. Adjust your training focus accordingly. Instead, where running is limited, try to focus on maintaining your base fitness and utilise exercises that strengthen key areas and boost mobility to come back out of lockdown a stronger runner.

Where Mums and Dads are struggling to find time to train alongside the kids at home, try to involve them in your workouts where you can – even if this is only for 5 minutes. Take into account short attention spans!

Finally, make the most of your time and mentally break up the lockdown period into smaller segments, just as you would an ultra-race or marathon. Take it one day at a time, day by day.

Want to stay fit at home? Then visit our At Home category for live workouts and expert advice.


Staying fit and healthy at home can be challenging. At SportsShoes.com, we’ve got you covered with a full range of workouts you can do in the comfort of your own home.

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