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Nutritional Tips & Advice on What to Eat when Training for a Marathon

SportsShoes in-house Nutritionist, Lucy McCrickard, shares her top nutrition tips for marathon training:

Your marathon training nutritional programme should balance your nutrients and fluids to achieve optimum mental and physical performance, whilst minimising the risk of injury, tissue damage or illness and aiding recovery.

Carbohydrates, which are stored as glycogen in the body, are the main energy source for muscle fuel and complex carbohydrates (wholemeal bread, grains and pasta) should comprise approximately 60% of your diet.

Unsaturated fat, found in oily fish, nuts and seeds, is vital for weight maintenance and for a healthy metabolism and should account for 20-25% of your diet. Avoid saturated and Trans fats in cakes and biscuits.

Protein is vital for muscle build and repair and for immune support. Fish, lean meat/poultry, eggs, pulses and grains, should account for around 15 – 20% of your diet.

Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) help control energy production, bone and muscle health, immunity and electrolyte balance. Eight portions of fruit and vegetables a day will help boost micronutrient levels.

Hydration: Electrolytes are rapidly lost in sweat but water and electrolytes are critical for nerve transmission and muscle contraction.


Breakfast: Your liver glycogen stores will have become depleted overnight, so help replenish them with porridge or muesli with a banana, or baked beans on wholemeal toast.


Carbohydrate-rich snacks, eaten up to an hour before a training session, such as crispbread with houmous, a banana or a low fat carbohydrate bar can help maintain blood glucose levels and glycogen supplies.


Treat a long run as a rehearsal for the day itself. Experiment with carbo-gels and popular sports energy drinks, which combine diluted simple carbohydrates with electrolytes. Coconut Water is also rich in electrolytes.


In the first half hour post training, sip around 500ml of fluid and immediately eat a high energy snack. Within two hours, a meal combining carbohydrate and protein will help with both glycogen replacement and muscle repair.

Include pasta, lean meat, poultry or oily fish with a jacket potato and a varied selection of vegetables and fresh fruit.

If training in the evening, a moderate meal should be eaten within two hours of training to aid overnight recovery. The evening before a long run, eat plenty of slow releasing carbohydrates (brown rice/pasta, whole grains, vegetables,

oatcakes) but avoid too much fat or fibre which can be hard to digest.

Hydration is vital and you should aim to drink small amounts of water regularly throughout the day. Drink 3-400ml of water on waking, or at least four hours before exercising; another 150ml immediately prior to exercise, and

approximately 150-300ml for every 20 minutes you are exercising. Whilst running, fluids should be sipped and not gulped.


Continue a regime of combining complex carbohydrates, quality proteins, unsaturated fat and plenty of fluids to help repair damaged tissue and replenish glycogen stores.

Want to find out more? We've been busy collecting all the latest tips & expert advice for marathon training and race days. Our Marathon category lets you experience real in-the-moment stories as we dive deeper into Q&A with athletes, kit reviews, nutritional advice and so much more!


We've been busy collecting all the latest tips & expert advice for marathon training and race days. Our exclusive guide lets you experience real in-the-moment stories as we dive deeper into Q&A with top brands, exclusive SportsShoes reviews, nutrition advice and so much more!

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