

Dark Chocolate & Nut Bark Recipe

Laura Tilt returns for our latest #NoFunStandingStill AT HOME sessions with one of her favourite healthy home snack recipes.

Last week, Laura showed us how to make delicious fruit and nut bars. This time, she has returned to share her ultimate recipe for dark chocolate and nut bark.


Super simple, super tasty and full of goodness, this delightful and easy recipe is perfect for home snacking and full of things that your gut microbes will love. Enjoy.


  • 300g dark chocolate

  • 75g mixed nuts and seeds – and if you want it, dried fruit. Pistachios and cranberries are great for colour, seeds are good for crunch

  • Few teaspoons of runny (give it a good stir) peanut butter



1. Line a baking sheet with baking paper.

2. Using a sharp knife, chop the chocolate and gently melt in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water – take off when the chocolate is about 70% melted and stir until complete liquid.

3. Pour the chocolate onto a baking sheet and spread out towards the edges – leave a little room at the sides.

4. Add a few teaspoons of peanut butter to the chocolate mix and use a knife to swirl patterns into the chocolate.

5. Chop the almonds and seeds and scatter evenly over the top.

6. Set to one side for about an hour or until set. You can also refrigerate the bark for about 15 minutes, but you may get a little condensation on your chocolate as it cools.

7. Remove the baking paper, break into pieces and store or serve – keep in the fridge for a nice crunchy snack.’s #NoFunStandingStill AT HOME initiative features exclusive advice and workouts from our ambassadors and experts, helping runners and all fitness enthusiasts to stay motivated, fit and active – at home. Tune in via @sportsshoes Instagram for our latest livestreams covering everything you need to know from stretching and mobility to nutrition and motivating playlists.

For more recipes and diet advice, check out the Nutrition section of our Training Hub.

Keen to learn more about fuelling for performance and adventures? Then check out our Nutrition category for more handy tips, advice and recipes.


Welcome to the SportsShoes Nutrition Hub! We’ve teamed up with the experts to bring you the very best advice on the best foods to fuel you and your adventures.

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